--- title: Module 4 Intermission Work layout: page --- This prework should take no longer than 20 hours to complete the Deliverables. Intermission is absolutely your time to rest and focus on self care. Plan accordingly with your schedules so you don't add unnecessary stress.

Demo Competition

If you are planning to demo a project at Demo Comp in week 1 of Mod 4, you MUST timebox your time over intermission and in week 1 to ensure you are meeting module expectations. We recommend setting aside specific times to work with your demo team over intermission to finish your demo BEFORE week 1 begins. You are responsible for balancing your time between working on the demo project and the tasks below.

We also highly recommend spending some time over intermission updating your Terminal Profile. Employers attending Demo Comp like to see profiles on the students who are presenting and having Terminal up to date and ready to share is extremely helpful. Take advantage of this great networking opportunity!

FE & BE Prework

Deliverable Content

  1. Capstone Project Prep
  2. Legacy Code Experience

Non-Deliverable but Helpful

  1. Work on your Terminal Profile (recommended if doing Demo Comp).
  2. PD Pre work is to review the following Async/video . Start by viewing the video, and as you follow along, we recommend taking notes and listing any questions in the survey listed in the deliverable section of the lesson. Lesson on Negotiations
  3. Refamiliarize yourself with the basics of reading and evaluating technical documentation
  4. Refamiliarize yourself with the HTTP request-response cycle, watch this video.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the git rebase workflow. Read this article on git rebase and this article on merging vs. rebasing.
  6. Try to complete 2-3 technical challenges in your preferred language. We want you to focus on your breakdown of the problem and problem solving approach! Choose a Technical Challenge Platform that you like. Here are some options:
  7. Sign Up for interview practice with Pramp

Prework Submission

You are expected to have the prework completed by 5 pm the Saturday before you start Mod 4. For the items marked as Deliverable, please complete your prework submission here