Mock Interview (Full Interview Simulation) Rubric

Behavioral Interview Questions

  • 3 - Student answers the questions in an articulate and professional manner and is able to reference multiple projects, life experiences, etc. in great detail
  • 2 - Student is able to answer the questions in a professional manner, although some answers may be lacking details/do not reference projects, life experiences, etc.
  • 1 - Student is unable to answer the questions or answers are lacking professionalism or are inappropriate

Technical Interview Questions

  • 3 - Student answers the questions in an articulate and professional manner and answers are correct/demonstrate strong understanding of content knowledge
  • 2 - Student is able to answer the questions in a professional manner. While there may be questions the student cannot answers, they are able to gracefully exit and continue with interview
  • 1 - Student is unable to answer the questions or answers are lacking professionalism or are inappropriate, or there is no attempt to gracefully exit interview questions they are unable to answer

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