Capstone Expansion Evaluation

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Your team is expected to prepare a 5-8 minute video presentation to be submitted to instructors at the end of the project. The presentation should use the rubric as a guideline for what needs to be covered.

Teams - it’s your responsibility to ensure you are on track to meet expectations of the rubric, which can be found here.

After the demos, your PM will evaluate your work using the rubric and communicate your score (pass/fail) in your capstone Slack channel.

End-of-Project Demos

Teams will demo their application via video recording.

Demo Expectations:

  1. Have your application up and ready to go before you start. Other windows should be closed.
  2. One sentence summary reminder of the audience for the application and what problem it is solving.
  3. Live demo your application in production, if possible, specifically focusing on the features and changes from the second iteration of the Capstone project
  4. Provide a brief summary of team’s takeaways from the project experience, including challenges and wins. Discuss if there is anything your team would change if you were to start over.
  5. Be proud of your application! You’ve spent a lot of time and hard work on this, now is your chance to show it off. Your demo should really showcase that hard work and accomplishments.

We recommend that you have a quick 30 sec - 1 min statement about what your app is and then jump straight into your demo. After the demo is complete, you can go in more depth and talk about the other points.

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