Take-Home Rubric
Project Completion
- Exceeds Expectations: Goes above and beyond the MVP in either adding new functionality beyond the base requirements or special consideration through means of testing or accessibility.
- Meets Expectations: Meets all MVP expectations provided by the challenge and is easy to use by the end user.
- Approaching Expectations: Most of the MVP has been reached, but one requirement may be incomplete.
- Below Expectations: Two or more requirements of the MVP were not met or the application is broken.
Documentation & Planning
- Exceeds Expectations: In addition, the README includes a walkthrough of the FE or Swagger for the BE to run requests. Project board is utilized effectively with clear labels and each PR references a GH issue.
- Meets Expectations: Has clear documentation including sections like a summary, setup instructions, endpoints/wireframes, testing instructions, etc. Clear user stories are built out on the project board and there is a clear progression of tickets moved over to the Done column.
- Approaching Expectations: Has some documentation but there are gaps in the README such as missing setup instructions, endpoints/wireframes, or testing instructions. Project board is used in the beginning, but is abandoned by the end. Some tickets may have unclear user stories & descriptions.
- Below Expectations: Has little to no documentation or planning documents. (ie missing wireframes, schema designs, or use of project board)
Final Presentation
Exceeds Expectations: Able to speak to everything below and also speaks to empathy for either the user or developer and ties it in well to their design decisions.
- Meets Expectations: Able to speak to process and planning structure. Demos their project and speaks to implementation and tests. Able to speak to and defend their design decisions. Uses good technical terminology.
- Approaching Expectations: Able to demo project but may be missing some technical terminology. Unable to speak to and defend design decisions.
- Below Expectations: Unprepared for the presentation and is unable to speak to process. Requires interviewer to prompt interviewee to explain process and implementation of project.