SWOT Analysis of a Job Description

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Creating a SWOT analysis for a job description can be a helpful tool for customizing your job application materials and preparing for interviews. By preparing examples and proactively addressing gaps, you will show your understanding of the role, meet the requirements, and demonstrate your unique value.

Conduct A SWOT Analysis of the Job Description


  • A best practice is to copy the Job Description (JD) into a Google doc in case the link expires.


  • List/Highlight your strengths that match the job requirements.
    • Proficient in programming languages (Java, Python)
    • Strong leadership skills with a track record of managing teams
    • Exceptional customer service skills
    • Experienced in working collaboratively in a team
    • Familiarity with the location


  • List/highlight areas where you fall short of the job requirements.
    • Limited experience with a specific technology or software
    • No formal education in a required field
    • Limited years of experience in a relevant role
    • Lack of certification or specific skillset


  • Prepare examples of how you can overcome your weaknesses.
    • Willingness and ability to quickly learn new technologies (provide specific examples)
    • Relevant life experiences or volunteer work that demonstrate transferable skills (connect to the job)
    • Courses or certifications in progress or planned to acquire required skills
    • Successful projects or initiatives that showcase adaptability and quick learning


  • External factors that are beyond your control. Be prepared to acknowledge and address potential concerns. See potential ways to address common concerns for career switchers and new developers below.
    • Competition from candidates with more education and experience
    • Economic or industry-related challenges
    • Changes in company structure or industry trends

Customization and Application:

  • List keywords and statements to include in your resume and cover letter.
    • Highlight relevant strengths and accomplishments that match job requirements
    • Tailor your application materials to address opportunities and demonstrate your unique value
    • Prepare for interviews with specific examples and strategies based on your analysis

Application Stage:

  • Record the status of your application.
    • Application submitted on [Date]
    • Contacted [Contact Person] at the company

Remember to maintain this document as a reference for each job you apply for and update it as needed. It will help you stay organized and effectively customize your applications.


Know your Differentiators. Some examples might be that you:

  • Are multilingual
  • Have a rare combination of industry skills (MBA and Lawyer)
  • Have a special talent that is relevant to your field such as a published author.
  • Completed an expat assignment or have extensive global or “in-country” experience
  • Possess deep industry or product expertise
  • Have a unique approach to your work or knack for something.

Show the following:

  • Be honest about your background
  • Show that you understand why the skill is important to the role
  • Illustrate how you’re proactively working to learn the skills right now.

Demonstrate Willingness to Learn:

  • Emphasize your eagerness and ability to learn and adapt. - Share examples from your past experiences where you quickly acquired new skills or knowledge.

Highlight Transferable Skills:

  • If you lack specific qualifications, focus on transferable skills. Explain how skills from previous roles or experiences can be applied to the new position.

Showcase Relevant Experience:

  • If you lack direct experience, emphasize any relevant experience or projects you’ve worked on that demonstrate your ability to handle similar tasks.

Mention Ongoing Learning Initiatives:

  • Discuss any courses, certifications, or training you are currently taking or plan to pursue to bridge your skill gaps.

Address Weaknesses in a Positive Light:

  • Frame your weaknesses as areas for growth and development, not as insurmountable obstacles. Show how you’re eager to grow in these areas.

Ask Smart Questions:

  • During the interview, ask questions about how the company supports employee growth and development. This can indicate your interest in addressing your weaknesses.

Showcase Soft Skills:

  • Soft skills like communication, adaptability, problem-solving, and teamwork can often compensate for technical weaknesses. Highlight these skills.

Prepare for Behavioral Questions:

  • Be ready to answer behavioral interview questions that demonstrate your ability to handle challenging situations and adapt to change.

Focus on Fit and Values:

  • Emphasize your alignment with the company’s culture and values, as this can offset certain skill gaps.
  • If you feel the interviewer has concerns about your weaknesses, directly address these concerns and provide additional examples of your potential and commitment to growth.

Remember that employers often appreciate candidates who are self-aware and proactive about addressing their weaknesses. It’s about demonstrating your ability to recognize your limitations and your dedication to personal and professional development.

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